Benjamin to Gershom Scholem, Berlin, 28 February 1933:

In this letter, apparently the last one written by Benjamin to Scholem in Germany, Benjamin has only begun to comprehend the severity of the changes in his homeland. Benjamin refers to the worsening situation in Germany after the Nazi takeover in January, 1933 as one of his reasons for leaving. In particular, he is also occupied with the growing difficulty surrounding the publication of his works. Towards the end of the letter, he expresses his opinion that Kafka's works are misinterpreted by some of their contemporaries.


    Benjamin to Gershom Scholem, Paris, 20 March 1933:

    In this letter, written less than a month later, Benjamin mentions to Scholem that he intends to stay in Ibiza for a while, a plan that materialized somewhat later.  He also informs him of a new manuscript he would soon send. Benjamin notes that "this text is especially meant to adorn your archive", probably because it contains references to Hebrew as well. The typescript, which bears the title Über die Sprache überhaupt und über die Sprache des Menschen, also hebräisch (About language as such, and about the language of people, as well as about Hebrew) was indeed sent and can be found in the Walter Benjamin Archives.