gizra // @amitaibu

Defintion of success

  • On Time
  • On Budget
  • Customer is Happy

How to Solve it

  • Communication
  • Setting expectations

How to Solve it, 2017

  • Find and develop only the essence
  • Timebox the efforts

Cost of bugs



Generate JavaScript with great performance and no runtime exceptions

module Counter exposing (..)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)


type alias Model =

emptyModel : Model
emptyModel =


type Msg
    = Decrement
    | Increment

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Decrement ->
            ( model - 1
            , Cmd.none

        Increment ->
            ( model + 1
            , Cmd.none


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
        , div [] [ text (toString model) ]
        , button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]


Compile Error Vs Runtime Mistakes

Types 101

type Bool = False | True
type alias Name
    = String

type UserType
    = Anonymous
    | Authenticated Name
    | Premium Name Date

Cart example

Maybe values

type alias User =
    { avatarUrl : String
    , name : String

emptyUser =
    { avatarUrl = ""
    , name = ""

type alias Model =
    { user : User

emptyModel =
    { user = emptyUser
type alias Model =
    { user : Maybe User

emptyModel : Model
emptyModel =
    { user = Nothing

modelWithUser : Model
modelWithUser =
    { user = Just <| User "" "amitaibu"

viewUser : Maybe User -> Html msg
viewUser mUser =
    case mUser of
        Nothing ->
            text "Loading"
        Just user ->
type RemoteData e a
    = NotAsked
    | Loading
    | Failure e
    | Success a

type alias WebData a =
    RemoteData Http.Error a
type alias Model =
    { user : WebData User

emptyModel =
    { user = NotAsked

debugUser =
    { user = Success <| User "" "amitaibu"

viewUser : WebData User -> Html msg
viewUser webDataUser =
    case webDataUser of
      Success user ->

      Failure err ->
          text "Something went wrong"

      _ ->
          text "Loading..."


Travis CI